What about the selling rate for US dollar in notes today? 今天的美圆售价怎么样?
What's your selling rate for Japanese yen in note today? 你们今天日元的现金出价是多少?
What's your selling rate for us dollar notes today? 你们今天美元的现金售价是多少?
We do reserve the right to stop selling for vendors that have too high of a chargeback rate. 我们保留对有高拒付率的发行商停止为其销售的权利。
The bank would use other instruments aside from selling dollar reserves to stabilise the exchange rate, principally raising interest rates, which they had been loathe to do until now to try and stave off recession, he said. 伊格纳提夫表示,除了卖出美元储备外,他们还将动用其它工具来稳定汇率,其中主要手段将是升息&为力求避免经济衰退,俄央行迄今一直不愿意升息。
It's 248 German marks at today's selling rate. 按今天的卖出价是248德国马克。
For, even as some employees were fiddling the London interbank offered rate and selling customers interest rate swaps and unnecessary payment protection insurance, the bank already had an apparently robust code of conduct. 即使这家银行拥有看上去颇为严格的行为准则,但还是有员工操纵伦敦银行间同业拆借利率(Libor),也有员工向客户销售利率掉期合约和不必要的支付保险。
Middle rate is the arithmetic average rate of buying rate and selling rate, used for inter-bank. 中间汇率是买入汇率和卖出汇率的算术平均数。
A free Nigeria will put public health above profits made from selling o cigarette and will reduce the rate of smoking especially among the youths and under age people. 自由的尼日利亚将把公共卫生放在卷烟利润之上,并将降低吸烟率,特别是年轻人和未成年人的吸烟率。
Inventory model for non-instantaneous deteriorating items under stock-dependent selling rate 存货影响销售率的非立即变质物品的库存模型
Inventory Model for Stock-dependent Selling Rate under Two Levels of Trade Credit Policy 基于二层信用策略且存货影响销售率的库存模型
Nor does the UK pile up foreign assets by persistently selling its own currency to manipulate the exchange rate, as does China. 英国也不会像中国那样,通过持续卖出本币来操纵汇率,从而累积起外汇资产。
EOQ Model for Short-Life Products Under Stock-Dependent Selling Rate 存货影响销售率的短生命周期物品库存管理
For taxpayers selling or importing the following goods, the tax rate shall be13. 纳税人销售或者进口下列货物,税率为13%。
We first calculate the additional amount in US dollars and the convert it into RMB at the banker's selling rate for today in Shanghai. 我们先用美元计算运价,然后按照上海今天的汇率折换成人民币。
Optimization of Perishable Inventory System Under Stock Dependent Selling Rate and Inflation 通货膨胀对需求-库存相依的易腐库存系统的优化
An EOQ Model for Deteriorating Items with Time-Varying Demand and Purchase Price under Stock Dependent Selling Rate 变质物品在存货影响销售率且需求和采购价均为时变时的EOQ模型
When the policy of credit selling is formulated, the enterprise can control the rate and fatalism of selling credit to achieve the aim of risk control. 企业在制定信用销售政策时,可以通过控制不同信用客户业务往来的赊销率和赊销天数,达到风险控制的目的。
An EOQ Model with Holding Cost Functions and Stock Dependent Selling Rate 一类时变需求且存货影响销售率的EOQ模型
This paper discussed two EOQ models start with shortages for deteriorating items with a ramp type demand rate and stock dependent selling rate. 从实际背景出发,在RAMP型需求和存货影响销售率条件下,讨论了一类以缺货开始的变质性物品的EOQ模型。
An EOQ Model Taking Account of the Linear Time-Varying Increasing Demand under Stock Dependent Selling Rate 存货影响销售率且理论需求为线性时变函数时的EOQ模型
The Sales Bible An EOQ Model Taking Account of the Variable Selling Price Under Stock Dependent Selling Rate 存货影响销售率且销售价格可变的EOQ模型
How to take precautions against and control credit risks that produce because of "selling on credit", raise turnover rate and recovery rate of the account receivable, reduce the cost of risk management, has already become problems urgently to be solved of a lot of enterprises. 如何防范和控制由于赊销而致的信用风险,提高资金的周转率和应收账款的回收率,降低风险管理成本,已成为许多企业亟待解决的问题。
An EOQ model is developed for deteriorating items with time-varying demand purchase price and partial backlogging under stock dependent selling rate and time-value of system cost. 基于需求和采购价均为时变的EOQ模型,进一步考虑时变短缺量拖后率以及资金时间价值等因素对变质物品库存管理的影响,建立了相应的EOQ模型。
28 of 39 enterprises of animal products for feed producing, selling and using were measure up, the rate of fitness was 71.79%. 在抽查的39家我省动物性饲料生产、经营和使用企业中,产品全部合格的28家,企业合格率71.79%;
The choice of buying-selling exchange mechanism is important to the exchange rate. 结售汇制的选择是一国汇率制度的重要内容。
One of the characteristic of the selling job is high turnover rate, as the result, the selling organization can not keep on its optimal size, which explains the necessity of constituting the recruiting policy. 营销人员具有高离职倾向的特征,使得销售部门无法保持最优人员规模,由此充分说明制定营销人员聘用策略的必要性。